Dp Cult

Bombay Perfumery

Decor | Accessories

Established in 2016, Bombay Perfumery is a contemporary fragrance house sourcing premium ingredients from around the world. Collaborating with talented perfumers, they create unique scents that leave a lasting impression. Founder Manan Gandhi’s deep-rooted passion for perfumery, along with a family history in the industry, inspired the brand’s launch. They directly work with global farmers and renowned perfumers to craft olfactory compositions that combine Indian sensibilities with a global perspective.

Manan Gandhi carefully conceptualizes each fragrance and candle to evoke distinct memories when experienced. Bombay Perfumery pays homage to India’s rich history of scent-making, aiming to celebrate the enduring connection between individuals and the world of fragrance. By using the finest ingredients, Bombay Perfumery aims to help people form a unique, rooted, yet ephemeral connection with scent.

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